Why being the


Will make a Difference

I've spent the last 20 years looking for a platform that supports a learning style for visual, auditory and kinethetic learners.  I'm so glad I never gave up ... I found this platform during a 30 Day Challenge with Russell Brunson from ClickFunnels and WOW! - It puts you in the drivers seat of your own learning.
So I modelled this platform into an Esports Framework ...
For those who are not familiar with Esports – it is what keeps our kids online for hours and hours … because they are being challenged doing what they love. I have combined the ESports online gaming framework with a creative learning platform allowing me to guide and influence you rather then teaching you.
Learning is about timing - and with the struggles we have faced and will continue to face ... bring the Power of Positivity along for the journey, because this is your time to be the person you know you can be - let me share my secret.

Did you know ...

88% of all workplace accidents are due to

Our 5 Greatest Fears are ...
FEAR of what's next
FEAR of missing out
FEAR of being judged
FEAR of who you really are
FEAR of not being good enough

98% of employees do not receive FEEDBACK

47% of the Australian workforce are craving careers they are PASSIONATE about

70% of our thoughts have shaped WHO we have become

The Secret To Making A Noise

So that others can hear you

For every Challenge within every Game, I will provide you with the tools, techniques, theories, methods, and styles that have been a huge influence throughout my 20 years in leadership. These have been effective for generations - but please note, they are only effective ...
should you choose to accept the Challenge !

Every CHALLENGE unlocks an OPPORTUNITY and

Meet your Challenges

based on the TUCKMAN'S MODEL

...These Challenges will assist you in achieving your core results

Challenge #1 - Forming

Finding Your Element

Discover your roadmap by showing a genuine interest in who you are and why you are here
Challenge #2 - Storming

Who is your Avatar?

Am I enough?  Reasons you may feel lost in life - we look at your reasonings through the eyes of  Maslow. 
Challenge #3 - Norming

Your Influence

Imgine your life as something more ... the secret behind influencing behaviour without changing values or motivations 
Challenge #4 - Performing

What are your Attributes

Personal Development - the courage to show up, take your place on the court and be ready for what comes next!
Challenge #5 - Adjourning

Your Story

Choices that can change your life, your story. The risks of where you find guidence, risk of having the life you wish you had lived, risk of living in resentment over discomfort, risk of the safe road. 

"Please explain this FRAMEWORK ..."

"What is involved?"

  • ​Step 1 :  Unlock the Game
  • ​Step 2 :  Join the Webinar
  • Step 3 :  Complete the Challenge
  • Step 4 :  Move to the next ....
"Positivity is a Mindset"
Join our Community - Start with The AVATAR Game
  • Instant Access to our FaceBook Group 
  • Full Access to the AVATAR Game Strategy Webinar
  • Full Access to the Challenges
  • ​Full Access to Do It Yourself Workshop Templates
In my 20 year experience within leadership roles, I have learnt that it is not what you know it is who you know - let us start by building your network through our community, this is done via our FaceBook Group.

The first step is to know where you want to be - the person you know you CAN be!  We look at the big picture through the strategy webinar, providing you with the WHY, Context and stories, methods and theories that you can relate to.

Once you have watched the webinar, I will direct you to a onepager - To open an account is totally free, and you can download as many onepagers you like (every challenge has a onepager) as you can refer back to these whenever you need.

The first step in the onepager is to watch the tactics video.  This is similar to a 1:1 coaching session (virtually of course), where I will step through each section of the challenge with you.

Within the onepager you will also gain access to 3 DIY Workshop templates
               Personal Development Plan
               Esenhower Matrix

With the support or your community within our FaceBook group - here is where you can also ask any questions and get in touch with one of our amazing coaches.
"What are you waiting for?"
To be an above average person, you need to develop an above average smile, an above average handshake, an above average interest in other people ... 
share your uniqueness with the world - we need you!

For Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of a coffee and a muffin, you can get access to a framework that took me over 20 years to create... 

YES ! Give Me Instant Access To The AVARTAR Framework 
And Training RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
"Learn without being Taught"
In fact...
"It's not the mistake that matters ... it's how you react"
The things that are not taught ...
  • ​Confidence
  • ​Take Risks
  • ​Beliefs
  • ​Positive Mindset
  • ​Decision Making
  • ​Awareness
  • Creativity
  • ​​ Communication
  • ​ Resilience
  • ​ Self Esteem
  •  ​Leadership
  •  ​Influence
  • ​ Acceptance
  • ​Power to Choose
Be a valuable part of my community
I have worked with Jannette for close to 2 years and she has demonstrated her passion to teaching and helping others during that period, going the extra mile to help her students and encouraging them to do better. Jannette has taught business and project management and is entrepreneurial, a great role model for women who are unsure in going into business for themselves. What you see is what you get and Jannette is a very down to earth person and a joy to be around.
Assistant Director of Training
Greystone College
I have had the pleasure of knowing Jannette for over 20 years on both a professional and personal level. I have always been impressed by her ability to command a room and get people on board with her ideas. Jannette can juggle multiple projects and has always made a dramatic difference to whatever is being worked on. I couldn't recommend Jannette more highly, as a friend and mentor.
Leisure Services Projects
Bonus #1 - ~Your Strategy Webinar~
"Know the BIG Picture Purpose"
Total Value: $500
You will have instant access to the Strategy Webinar ... this is the BIG Picture where I will start with your WHY and step through the Esports Framework providing a complete overview of the theories behind the tools I have chosen within the learning platform.  
Get This For FREE When You Order The Avatar Framework Today! 
Bonus #2 - ~Access to the Tactics Video~
"Your turn to shine - learn without being taught"
Total Value: $225
The tactics video is similar to a 1:1 coaching session
this will be found at the top of your onepager, where you can see watch video.  Here I will step through the tactics, explaining in detail what is expected of you throughout the onepager.  I will be sharing my experiences and stories - we will also look at the challenge ahead. 
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The Avatar Framework' Today! 
Bonus #3 - ~The Challenges~
"Don't miss out on opportunities - Unlock your challenge!"
Total Value: $197
This is it!!  Learning through the webinar and the coaching session, completing the onepager to arrive at your challenge - here we look at the GROW model to ensure opportunities are never missed again.  You will have 5 Challenges to complete the Game!
Get This For FREE When You Order The Avatar Framework Today! 
Bonus #4 - ~The DIY Templates~
"Everything done for you!"
Total Value: $97
We don't plan to fail, we fail to plan - three valuable templates to support you in focusing on your BIG Picture.  Included is the Johari Window Model to complete - this is a disclosure/feedback model of awareness. From my 20 years in leadership I have found these models will guide you towards achieving anything you put your mind to.  
Get This For FREE When You Order The Avatar Framework Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
No Catch, I have found my passion, I want to be here to support you in finding yours ... 
I have provided an overview of the complete AVATAR Game for just $7.00.  If you believe you learnt nothing through the strategy Webinar or the Challenges, I will refund your $7.00 no questions asked.

If you had an epiphany throughout this learning platform and believe this is the method for you - join me in the GAME by - accepting the FULL CHALLENGE!
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
I truly believe this creative platform is the future of learning
Today you get this at the introductory price of $7.00 (fully guaranteed)
Tomorrow ... well, we can plan for it - but nothing is certain
So grab this opportunity while you still can!
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
Giving you the complete FRAMEWORK to the AVATAR Game is my guarantee,
knowing you will want more - but if you choose the game is not for you, I will refund your $7.00 ... NO questions asked!
You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order the AVATAR Game.
YES ! Give Me Instant Access To The AVATAR Game 
RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Full Access to the Strategy Webinar                               (Value $500)
  Instant Access the Tactics Video                                      (Value $225)
  Instant Access the Challenges                                           (Value $197)
  Instant Access to the DIY Workshop Templates             (Value $  75)
  Instant Access to our Community (Facebook Page)       (PRICELESS)
Total Value: $997
Today Just $7
I look forward to having you belong in my supportive community to join like minded people who will embrace and encourage you through this journey.

Thanks again,
P.S. I'll see you in the game!
YES NAME! Give Me Instant Access To The AVATAR Game RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To Strategy Webinar  (Value $497)
  • Full Access To the Tactics Video          (Value $225)
  • Full Access To Challenges                      (Value $197)
  • ​Instant access to our DIY Templates  (Value $  75)
  • Access to our FaceBook Group             (PRICELESS)
Total Value: $997
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $47: I would like to purchase the AVATAR Game Ebook (Secrets to Personal Development) which is a PDF version that includes the Tools, Theories, Models and Styles provided in the Five Challenge AVATAR Game ~

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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